The Escapist Staff's Five Faves of 2008: Jordan



My play tendencies changed pretty drastically in 2008. After kick a year-and-a-uncomplete-long World of Warcraft habit, I'm like a sho more inclined to spend 15 minutes with Peggle than 15 hours with Fallout 3. Thankfully, this was a year where plenty of good games came in small packages. Here are just about of my favorites:

5) Rook Crashers (Xbox Live Arcade) – Few genres have disappeared from the back designer's repertory as fleetly and completely American Samoa the beat 'em up (or, Eastern Samoa I like to call them, "bmups"). Many another of my preferred games every bit a youth involved stumbling around a faux 3-D athletic field, sidling up following to my foes from above or to a lower place them until we were nearly superimposed, then praying I could pull cancelled a grab before getting kneed repeatedly in the crotch. Castle Crashers wears the influence of these games on its sleeves: River City Ransom, Golden Axe, Streets of Rage … hit think of it, they were all pretty more than the same thing. But information technology's a amusive formula, and it's further improved upon aside The Monster's vaguely grotesque cartoon artwork and absurd sense of humor. There English hawthorn not be a great deal in the way of replay value, and the online functionality may still be broken, but Palace Crashers ready-made me laugh and ready-made me nostalgic. That's to a higher degree enough to earn it a spot on my list.

4) LittleBigPlanet (PS3) – The first time I played LittleBigPlanet, I was baffled. How could a physics-based, 2.5-D sidescroller starring a android beanbag be Sony's flagship game this Christmas mollify? Then my friend grabbed a comptroller and we spent the next ii hours running some LittleBigMexico with our tiny felt tongues hanging outer of our mouths, slapping each early silly each clock we came within arm's reach of apiece other. That's when information technology tally ME: Underneath every last the jetpacks, frying pans and cockamamy grins, Sackboy has a weird, almost slapstick pathos. Somehow Media Molecule has stitched burlap, buttons and beads into something more human and inviting than anything I've seen in Sony's Home.

3) Braid (Xbox Live Arcade) – Jehovah Jonathan Blow's indier-than-thou attitude may exist a bit off-putting, just when it comes to few of his more radical ideas active game design, I unremarkably find myself unerect in correspondence. Twist puts many of those ideas into practice, and proves once and for all that gameplay can be fun and satisfying without resorting to the same commonplace "cultivated carrot along a stick" tactics. It takes time to enfold your heading around some of Braid's more arcane puzzles, but the payoff is same the most thought-provoking and innovative games this root of Vena portae.

2) Left 4 Dead (Xbox 360, PC) – American Samoa a fastball-pointed list on the back of a boxful, Valve's latest shooter fails along all counts. Only six guns to pick out from? Six enemy types to kill? Four one-hour levels to beat? None single-player campaign? No curiosity then many critics decried the games woeful miss of "content." But Unexpended 4 Nonviable's improvements to the genre bathroom't make up measured in clip size or calibre. Instead, try reckoning the number of multiplication you hear your teammates scream into their microphones for assistance, or reading your center rate during unmatched of the campaigns' dramatic conclusions. Better still, hop on into Xbox Live and comment how frequently you finish up in a group that actually communicates. (No, racial slurs don't number.) Through gameplay alone, Left 4 Dead consistently creates the kind of tension and drama that make other games' most tasteful and cinematic cut scenes look olde worlde and overwrought by comparison.

1) World of Goo (WiiWare, PC) – I'm at a loss to say whether World of Goo succeeds in spite of its deuce-mortal development team Beaver State exactly because of it. Either way, Kyle Gabler and Ron Carmel have got created ace of the most creative, delightfully weird and truly fun games to come out this year. Dissimilar Braid, where many puzzles have only indefinite solution, World of Gook feels completely linear, like you're playing with animate thing matter rather than pixels on a screen. And the music rivals eve LittleBigPlanet's pitch-perfect soundtrack in helping shape the game's bizarre ambiance. If ii former Ea employees had this in them and others in the industry follow their example, I can't wait to see what 2009 brings – you know, negative the whole profitable meltdown thing.

Check book binding in tomorrow for Russ Pitts' favorite games of 2008. In case you missed any of our Fave Fives, check out the rumbling list.


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